Monday, May 14, 2007

Oh the weather outside is...

Ah yes. Nothing like 90 degree weather to get one in the holiday spirit.

No, I'm not talking about Dance Like A Chicken Day, although that does happen to be today.

Nope, I'm talking about my favorite time of year- that period from Halloween (including the preceeding pumpkin carving) through New Year's. I have been listening to Christmas music (only when Jonathan is NOT home), and I am even presently watching a Christmas movie. I stared longingly today at a photo of autumn leaves.

It all gives me the warm fuzzies- why reserve that for two months a year?

Plus, since I seem to have come down with a cold, it seems fitting...


Anonymous said...

I had to look at the date to make sure it wasn't an update from Christmas time!! What did you watch--Elf???

We were just really excited that it was actually warmer outside than it was inside today! It was a nice change for us Michiganders.

Anonymous said...

Dance like a chicken day? I scoff at that one, too.


Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

I came over from Rachel's at Nothing God, and just had to comment on this - I am just like you in this aspect! My heart postively skips a beat when I think of Autumn and the fragrances and foods and...and... everything it brings. And what follows, yes between Halloween and New Year's, oh, it's just the best.
Blessings to you!

Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

Sorry...that's Nothing Gold. I have three children. And they're all climbing on me! :)

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Fisher, you are so funny! I hope you enjoy your Christmas stuff!! And I hope you feel better too.

Anonymous said...

I love Xmas music (also when Tom's not home) at inappropriate times! I even play it in the car! I also love Dean-Martin-type music.
