Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Caption Contest!

Inspired by a family email (thanks, Dave) I am opening this picture up for captions-

Amy took a ton of great pics that I'll post soon, but for now, here is my favorite:

To get us going, I'll share a few of Dave's suggestions:

"Look, I can tell they're knees now!"

"At least I only have to wear one layer of diapers!" (a reference to the 3 layers she wears at night- we use cloth at home...)

"Mom, is polyeurethane foam toddler seating environmentally responsible?"

He had others that he probably liked better, but those were MY favorites! :-)

If enough people post captions, I'll post a poll to pick the best!


Dawn said...

Sarah, heres a caption.
I'm saving all my smiles for my daddy!

Anonymous said...

Here are my captions.

"Please let me down, I am tired of sitting here."

"AAhh, aaahh, CHOO!!!!

Anonymous said...

I TOLD her to grease my thighs first!


Anonymous said...

I'd take this goofy hat off if my arms would reach...stupid stubby arms...


Aunt Darlene said...

Puuleeeze---not that color polish!!

Anonymous said...

mama mama my girdle is tooo tight.Help me please.

Anonymous said...

LOOK, WHAT MOMMY DID!Oh! Da, Da,rescue me!